Canva Social Media Templates

Canva social media templates are shareables to help promote your business that you can edit yourself! Our Creative Team has assembled a collection of templates to help you create beautiful, custom shareables for Events, Wine + Product Marketing, Team Building, and Recognition.

How do I edit the template?

Canva allows you to edit all the shareable components as you like. If you need help navigating Canva, watch a Canva tutorial from our Home Office Team here. 

What fonts and colors should I use?

The templates come preloaded with the ONEHOPE colors and fonts. If you want to install the fonts on your computer for future editing, you can find the font files in the CE Dropbox here. 

Do I need a paid PRO Canva account to access and edit the templates?

You do not need a paid PRO Canva account to access and edit the templates. Canva offers free fonts and elements to edit your shareables. 

How often are templates updated?

Canva templates are updated seasonally. Be sure to check the Vine for new release announcements!