Our Wines

ONEHOPE offers over 70 varietals ranging from rich and bold to sweet and aromatic. Our portfolio is always expanding with new releases and innovations. 

We have acquired over 100 Award-winning wines which received medals from competitions around the world. Eight of which are 90+ points rated by the most respected critics in the industry.

Our Vintner and Reserve Collections proudly boast 90-96 point rated wines from Wine Enthusiast, Critics Challenge, the California State Fair Competition, and more.


Are the wines organic or vegan?

Our winemaking process does include wines that are organic and vegan, however, we have chosen not to label them as such at this time. We will continue to update you should this change in the future. We do our best to source grapes that are sustainably grown and whenever possible, farmed organically. While not ALL of our wines are organic, we make sure to use organic farming at our Estate Vineyard Property. 

Our Estate vineyard in the heart of Napa Valley is certified organic and fully sustainable.

Our sustainability practices include recycling our water used for landscape irrigation and generating our own drinking water from our wells.

These practices help us craft the highest quality wines while also providing a healthy and beautiful environment for our guests and home office team.

Do you add tannins, sugar, or additives to the wine?

Depending on the wine, we may add grape-derived tannins. All sugars that are left after fermentation are naturally created from the grapes. 

Our winemaking team will make any necessary additions that they feel will help us create exquisite taste and quality that deliver 90+ point-rated wines at an affordable price of $25 or less.

Do you grow your own grapes?

Yes! Our organically farmed vineyard in the American Viticultural Area (AVA) of Rutherford in Napa Valley is situated amongst some of the most iconic winemaking brands in the world. It is there that we grow two of our most popular varietals at ONEHOPE.

The warm days and cool evenings in Rutherford, combined with the well-drained soil, create the ideal location for our rich Cabernet Sauvignon grapes and refreshing Sauvignon Blanc grapes grown in our vineyard.

Additionally, we source grapes from our vineyard partners around the world that are pressed, blended, and bottled with care under the direction of our winemaking team in Nap

Do you offer sugar-free wines?

Yes! Our portfolio includes a variety of wines where the natural sugars are fermented, thus resulting in a “dry” or “sugar-free” wine. Our Vintner Collection California Pinot Grigio for example is sugar-free, and one of the driest varietals we offer. Most of the wines in our Reserve and Iconic Collections are “dry” as well. 

At this time we have chosen not to label our wines that are sugar-free but will update you if this changes in the future. 

Learn More on our Website

If you are ever curious about which wines are dry or sweet, you can always visit our website and look at the product descriptions online. Under “Sweetness” you will see each of our wines labeled as either “dry,” “off-dry,” or “sweet.” “Dry” wines are typically sugar-free, “off-dry” wines will have some sweetness from sugars left during fermentation, and “sweet” wines will have the most natural sugar left during this process. You can always contact Support should you have any questions regarding sugar-free wines!

Award winning

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