Fast Start Partner in Wine Passes


What are Partner in Wine Passes that are available to Cause Entrepreneurs in Fast Start?

Partner in Wine Passes are a $50 discount on Join Kits for Cause Entrepreneurs in Fast Start to offer 3 prospective  Cause Entrepreneurs to use during during the enrollment process. These passes are designed to help New Cause Entrepreneurs grow their teams during their Fast Start period. 

Who is receiving Partner in Wine Passes to share with potential Cause Entrepreneurs?

All Cause Entrepreneurs who enroll with a Join Kit, will get 3 passes to share.

Can the Partner in Wine Passes be combined or transferred?

No, the Partner in Wine Passes cannot be combined or transferred. Each pass has a unique code linked to the sponsoring Cause Entrepreneur. It is intended for one-time use by a prospective Cause Entrepreneur and cannot be combined with other discounts or transferred to another individual.

What happens if a Cause Entrepreneur doesn't use all three Partner in Wine Passes during the Fast Start period?
Any unused Partner in Wine Passes will expire on the above timeline. It's recommended that Cause Entrepreneurs make the most of these passes to maximize their team-building efforts during the promotion.

**In July 2024, all Cause Entrepreneurs were given 1 Partner in Wine Passes to share to help maximize team building efforts. These codes were given to any CE with a CE membership as of July 1st, 2024. This pass will expire 7/31/24.